A Generic Fax is an extension on the phone system that is not tied to one particular user. Some examples of where a generic fax would be used include a departmental fax, a company-wide fax that is sent to an administrative assistant, or any other fax number not tied to one specific person.
A Generic Extension is an extension on the phone system that is not tied to one specific user. Break room phones, conference room phones, or any phone that is located in a public area are examples of where a generic extension is used. Generic Extensions do not have a voicemail box or access into the Kerauno User Panel.
If the phones were not registered during the initial installer/turn-up process, please follow these instructions to configure the phones to work with Kerauno.
A list of device status changes is displayed every 15 minutes on the Device Logs tab.
The Devices menu contains all relevant information about the devices connected to Kerauno. This includes information about the MAC Address of the device, the manufacturer and model of the device, the assigned user and extension, registration status, and IP address of the phone are displayed. This menu is also used to modify configurable keys on specific phone models. The option is also available to reboot one specific phone or reboot all phones configured to Kerauno.
There are two options for enabling Voicemail Transcription: Voicemail Transcription is available for users on 3.1 and higher, excluding premise enterprise customers. Update the Default User Configuration Edit the transcription setting to YES ...
The Departments menu allows the System Administrator to create departments within the Kerauno system. Departments are used to mimic a typical business structure, where a group of employees are considered a department and that department is assigned a manager.
The Departments menu allows the System Administrator to create departments within the Kerauno system. Departments are used to mimic a typical business structure, where a group of employees are considered a department and that department is assigned a manager.
The Departments menu allows the System Administrator to create departments within the Kerauno system. Departments are used to mimic a typical business structure, where a group of employees are considered a department and that department is assigned a manager.
Last Updated: 12/17/2019
in Administration System Settings
From the main menu, navigate to System Settings > System Logs . System Logs provide an audit trail of all activity within Kerauno. This tool is useful for monitoring user activity, tracking, or troubleshooting changes made to the system. Main Me...