
Content includes devices information and device logs.


The Devices menu contains all relevant information about the devices connected to Kerauno. This includes information about the MAC Address of the device, the manufacturer and model of the device, the assigned user and extension, registration status, and IP address of the phone are displayed. This menu is also used to modify configurable keys on specific phone models. The option is also available to reboot one specific phone or reboot all phones configured to Kerauno.
Device Logs
A list of device status changes is displayed every 15 minutes on the Device Logs tab.
Registering Phones
If the phones were not registered during the initial installer/turn-up process, please follow these instructions to configure the phones to work with Kerauno.
Secure SIP- SRTP Configuration
Secure SIP and SRTP In version 2020.04.1, both Secure SIP (via TLS) and SRTP have been introduced for both Yealink and Polycom brand handsets. Both technologies add an additional layer of security and encryption to voice traffic traversing a custom...
e911 and Device Addresses
Device Addresses As of version 2020.04.1, a new field is available for all device configurations called "Device Addresses". This field is particular important for emergency dialing, and is a part of upcoming regulations regarding VoIP and e911 ser...